
This element is suitable for list contents which are related to each other trough time.



<div class="ol-timeline">

  <div class="tl-item pub-item with-icon">
    <span class="item-section">2015</span>
    <div class="elem-wrapper"><i class="oli oli-bookmark"></i></div>
    <div class="content-wrapper">
      <h3 class="title">Doctor of Philosophy</h3>
      <div class="description">
        <p>in Mechanical Engineering <br> Stanford University</p>

  <div class="tl-item pub-item with-icon">
    <span class="item-section">2012</span>
    <div class="elem-wrapper"><i class="oli oli-bookmark"></i></div>
    <div class="content-wrapper">
      <h3 class="title">Master of Science</h3>
      <div class="description">
        <p>in Mechanical Engineering <br> Stanford University</p>

  <div class="tl-item pub-item with-icon">
    <span class="item-section">2008</span>
    <div class="elem-wrapper"><i class="oli oli-bookmark"></i></div>
    <div class="content-wrapper">
      <h3 class="title">Bachelor of Science</h3>
      <div class="description">
        <p>in Mechanical Engineering <br> Stanford University</p>

  • .ol-timeline is the wrapper element

  • .tl-item is one of timeline items inside the wrapper

  • <span class="item-section">2015</span> is for the year

Fixed Scrolling Years

This variation consists of sub-sections, it begins with

<div class="ol-timeline">
  /// sections

Items in each section share the same year, sample of one section:

<div class="tl-section with-icon">
  <div class="tl-item pub-item with-icon">...</div>
  <div class="tl-item pub-item with-icon">...</div>
  <div class="tl-item pub-item with-icon">...</div>
  <span class="item-section">2015</span>
  • The year comes at the end of the .tl-section

  • use with-icon or with-thumb classes based on usage

.with-icon and .with-thumb variations

As you may have noticed there are two variation, one which icons at the side of contents and one with thumbnail image. So if your .pub-item comes with an icon then you should use the .with-icon class and likewise use the with-thumb class on tl-section class.

Last updated