
This template uses Magnific Popup plugin, the library is included and you can use it however you want. We have added a wrapper above it to make it easy to use. Here is how.

Single Light-box

It is represented by .ol-lightbox class and we need to declare an anchor for the div. Basic markup is like:

<a href="../../assets/img/hovers/01.jpg" class="ol-lightbox">some text</a>

By clicking on the some text above a light-box will open showing the image declared at href

A more advanced example:

<a href="../../assets/img/hovers/01.jpg" class="ol-hover hover-5 ol-lightbox">
  <img src="../../assets/img/hovers/01.jpg" alt="image hover">
  <div class="ol-overlay ov-light-alpha-80"></div>
  <div class="icons"><i class="fa fa-camera"></i></div>

A light-box is capable of showing

  • Image

  • Youtube Video

  • Vimeo Video

  • Ifram


  • YouTube light-box

    The markup would be:

    <div href="" data-type="iframe" title="some title" class="ol-lightbox">
  • Vimeo light-box

    The markup would be:

    <div href="" data-type="iframe" title="some title" class="ol-lightbox">
  • TED Talks

    <div href="" data-type="iframe" title="some title" class="ol-lightbox">

    Note You can embed any embeddable medias including Sound-cloud items, Ted talks, ...

  • Self hosted video

    <div href="video/02/02.mp4" data-type="localvideo" title="some title" class="ol-lightbox">

A light-box gallery is a array of light-boxes that can be navigated once the light-box is viewd.

You just need to add .ol-lightbox-gallery to one of the parent nodes of the several .ol-lightbox elements.

<div class="row ol-lightbox-gallery">

    <div class="col-sm-6">
      <a href="../../assets/img/hovers/01.jpg" class="ol-hover hover-5 ol-lightbox">
        <img src="../../assets/img/hovers/01.jpg" alt="image hover">
        <div class="ol-overlay ov-light-alpha-80"></div>
        <div class="icons"><i class="fa fa-camera"></i></div>



Note You can use any of the light-box types(i.e. image, video) in the gallery.

Last updated